Ben Sherertz is a Full Stack Developer based in St. Louis

Daugherty Business Solutions

AWS, Node.js, DynamoDB, Fargate, Neo4j, lambda, Python, S3, Cloudfront


Java, Spring, SQL, MongoDB, Kubernetes, Docker, Kafka, Google Cloud, Javascript

Coolfire Solutions

C#, .NET, SQL, Entity Framework, MVC, HTML/CSS/JS, Meteor.js, MongoDB

Aspect Software

C#, .NET, SharePoint, SQL, HTML/CSS/JS, Graphic Design

Created website designs with responsive layouts and graceful fallback with compatibility in mind, user interface creation and graphic design. Created the working example for a proof-of-concept called Next Generation Customer Contact that is now a product offering. Developed SharePoint branding, feature customization and configuration for all versions of SharePoint. Created large websites, microsites, ecommerce sites, blogs, SharePoint, and Wordpress sites for fortune 500 companies.

Launch Aspect Portfolio

Behavior Insights / SaaS

Java, Spring, SQL, MongoDB, Kubernetes, Docker, Kafka, Google Cloud, Javascript

Launch Maritz

Camp / App Store/CMS/Portal

C#, .NET, SQL, Entity Framework, MVC, HTML/CSS/JS

Worked with a team of two other developers to create a core product called "Camp", a versatile app store created using an MVC pattern, Entity Framework, Linq, and C# with a SQL db. The admin portal supported the clients’ apps for Android and iOS and contained a content management system, device authentication system and provisioning system for admins/super-users, giving users/user groups access to apps and other content. A seperate developer worked on a client app created for use by the end users for Android and iOS devices.

Tactical Camp / App Store/CMS/Portal

Meteor.js, MongoDB, Full-Stack Environment, HTML/CSS/JS

The first implementation of CAMP was written with Meteor.js and handled with Mongo DB as a full stack javascript-based environment. This full-stack environment was created to be used/hosted on linux, windows and OSX.

PKaufmann / Client Portal


Updated the responsive layouts and features for an existing client’s site for searching for fabrics and updated a color picker search for iPhone and iPad devices.

Launch PKaufmann

Winchester /

C#, .NET, SharePoint, SQL, AngularJS, PHP, Wordpress, HTML/CSS/JS, Network Solutions

Updated the UI, seo, page layouts, and javascript for an aging Created a new site for featured articles and brand-celebrities, called I worked on the UI, tagging, articles, responsive layouts and the blog post loading function. Created a new ecommerce site for based on a network solutions backend.

Launch Winchesters Blog

Monsanto / SharePoint Sites

C#, SharePoint, SQL, HTML/CSS/JS

Created the master page and page layouts for many of the sites, along with the javascript functions for interfaces/tabs/calculators/seedfinder, connected web services via SOAP calls, css/javascript changes for responsive layouts (emphasis on iPads). Created xml/xslt for formatting data for our services being brought back. A few are listed below, but there were over 13 different brands I worked on that can all be seen on this page.

Launch AgAnytime Launch Channel

Eveready / SharePoint Site

C#, SharePoint, SQL, HTML/CSS/JS

Updated all pages across the site, implemented special sliders and functions for new responsive layouts across the site and created the graphics for missing content.

Launch Eveready